Writing Update 1/20/23

Good morning, blog! Here's what's happened with me since last we connected!

Total words written since 1/13: 19,384

Breaking them down by project, we get the following:

The new fanfic: 12,234

Oh No, Too Buff 2 (aka the Knife's book): 2,772

Red Riding Hood retelling: 1,899

This is, uh... Very normal for me when I get going on a fic. 😂 It's also the reason for my new rule: I get to write a new fic ONLY AFTER I finish an ongoing publishable project. I finished the first draft of a shapeshifter romance novella in December, so I get to write and share this fic, bask in the comments and kudos, and then return to the delayed gratification mines to write another novella. Rinse and repeat.

Okay, numbers are great but they're not words. Just for fun, here's the last line written from each WIP:

The new fanfic: “I don’t know what I did wrong.

Oh No, Too Buff 2 (aka the Knife's book): “And I’m happy to be the help, so long as I’m not stuck with it.”

Red Riding Hood retelling: Red didn’t know if she specifically had a type, really, but the Wolf wasn’t not it.


Scarlett Reads: A Garter as a Lesser Gift


Generic Life Update 1/13/23